A Colourful Week!

9 April 2021

Our babies have had lots of fun with colour this week. They have been enjoying reading Handa’s surprise, and pointing at the different colourful animals we saw in the story. We then did some bird spotting in the trees around the nursery and went inside to colour pictures of garden birds.

The babies practised holding the crayons using the Palmer grasp had lots of fun mark making and creating their own special pictures. After a busy day they enjoyed choosing different songs to sing along with at circle time, promoting personal choice and independence.

Our Early Learners had lots of fun this week as well, creating their own penguins for Penguin Day! They used their creative skills to glue and stick their own penguins together, adding eyes, nose, wings and beak!

We can't wait to see what next week will bring! Have a good weekend everybody!

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